Sunday, June 17, 2012

Who uses the side-burner anyways?

Who knew it would take 5 hours to dig 3 post holes in 90 degree weather and what felt like 110% humidity.......after months of planning our deck is nearly complete, check. One of the keys to Bill's competitive season is "projects".  We will begin the 2nd expansion to the studio as his diet ramps up for Yorton. Our second child has graduated, we will have two in college in the fall......with a 10 year break for the final bear to leave the den.

Bill has been in search of the perfect grill to don the deck, which brings the question "who uses the side-burner"..... I will keep you posted as to the final outcome.

Comment of the week "what off day", the hobby takes the forefront as training became more challenging due to the deck building recovery process.....sore joints and the grip began to give.  Next week will certainly be better as the push for the big weights starts!