Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sounded like a good idea at the time...

It's 2016 let's switch it up and start that masochistic conditioning program that we both seem to regret when we're half way in!  2015 gave Bill a break in competing, with the mental challenges of moving the business and adding a new business model...so here we go, pick a show any show!  At the end of our conditioning program he should be good and primed to head back to a more traditional bodybuilding workout and hit the stage in May.

For three weeks now withdrawl from Margarita Friday has definately set in, El Paso must wonder where we are.  Bill's spanish was starting to get really good, dos mas margarita's por favor;)  no chips for you Mr. Matthews...

What's it like getting back in the competitive mindset, like it's a lifetime ago.  For now we will ease back...no stress:)